venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

Environmental Value System: What are Ecocentrism, Anthropocentrism and Technocentrism Worldviews?

    An environmental value system is how we see and value environmental issues. Humans can be classified into three major categories: Ecocentrism, Anthropocentrism and Technocentrism 


                This is a holistic worldview that is nature centered and respects the rights of nature. Ecocentrics such as deep ecologists put more value on nature than humanity and believe in biorights. (The right of endangered species or landscape to remain undisturbed). They also wish to have policies to reduce the human impact on the environment which would decrease the population and consume less resources. In summary they believe that:

·          The resources are limited so we need to use them carefully
·          The Earth is for all species including animals, plants and humans
·          There should be minimum disturbance of natural processes



          Anthropocentrism is a viewpoint/theory that is people centered and gives preferences to human beings above all other considerations. So if you believe that the Earth exists for us, humans and we can rightfully benefit as much as we want from the environment then you are anthropocentric. You would also believe that:

  •  economic growth and resource use can continue as long as improvements are made in legal rights to a minimum level of environmental quality
  • Compensation arrangements are made satisfactory for people who experience bad environmental and social effects
       The picture above symbolizes anthropocentrism where humans take and use any resources of the earth to meet our demands and needs. Therefore they believe that the most important being are humans as they interpret everything in terms of human experience and values. 



         This means that values are centered on technology and this type of view believes that it can provide solutions to all environmental problems. Similar to anthropocentrism, it is a worldview, which conceives that nature is present to benefit human beings. 

         This view includes Cornucopians, who are people that believe through technology and our inventiveness, we can continually improve our living standards.  They see the importance of market and economic growth, which will help manage the Earth. They also have a belief that any issues related to economic growth, public health and safety can be solved by scientific and technological expertise